
Hands on Crafts For Kids is the resource for kids craft projects and instructions for kids 6-12 and parents, teachers and other group leaders. It includes school and curriculum based projects,  multi cultural projects, and every day, holiday and seasonal ideas.

It is  the online home of the public television program Hands On Crafts for Kids.

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Miro Watercolor
Designed by Candie Cooper

Watch the video for this project online at:

Always cover your work surface with a mat or some type of protective covering like wax paper or plastic.

Age Range: 7 to 12

Grade Range: 2 to 6

Skill Level: Advanced

Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days

Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Visual Arts

Time Needed for Project:
2 hour plus drying time

Main Materials:
Sakura® Fantasia water colors
Sakura® Cray-pa Expressionist oil pastels
Canson® watercolor paper

Basic Materials:
Pencil and eraser
Plaid® Soft bristle paint brushes
Salt (optional)


  1. Draw your seasonal design with pencil lightly onto watercolor paper.
  2. Outline and color in sections of your design with the oil pastels.
  3. Wet your brush with water and watercolor pigment and brush over your design. Watch how the oil pastels repel the water.
  4. For a unique effect sprinkle salt on sections of your painting which will remove the pigment.
  5. Set aside to dry. Rub salt off.


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