Age Range: 6 to 12
Grade Range: 2 to 6
Skill Level: Moderate
Appropriate for:
Make Believe, Every Day and Rainy Day Activities
Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Social Studies
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Visual Arts
Time needed for project:
1 hour, plus drying time for glue and paint
Cardboard Wand
by Katie Hacker & Lily
Materials for wand:
Elmer’s® Classic Glitter Glue (color of your choice)
Elmer’s® Glue-All®
FloraCraft® Foam – 3” ball
Foam brush for paint/glitter on foam ball
Foam brush or regular paintbrush for paint/glitter on tube
Cardboard tube from wrapping paper
Acrylic paint: white, gold, favorite color Scissors
FloraCraft® Design It®: SimpleStyle® Feather flower pick
Acrylic gems
- Cut the wrapping paper tube in half.
- Base coat the cardboard tube white – this is super important when you're painting brown cardboard because it will make your paint brighter!
- When the tube is dry, paint it gold and let it dry again.
- Brush glitter glue all over the tube for extra sparkle.
- Press a foam ball onto a pencil and use a foam brush to paint it your favorite color.
- When it's dry, add matching glitter glue all over the ball.
- Press the foam ball onto the end of the wand to make an indentation, then run a line of glue around the edge of the tube and glue the ball in place.
- Use thick craft glue to attach acrylic gems around the base of the foam ball.
- Press the feather pick into the center of the foam ball.
Tip: You can reinforce the handle of the wand by folding up two toilet paper tubes and placing them inside the end of the wrapping paper tube.
Here's another idea for a sword:
Use a wider cardboard tube to make a sword. Cut a cardboard rectangle that's about 3-1/2” by 13-1/2”. Place the end of the cardboard tube near one end of the rectangle and use a pencil to trace around it. Cut out the circle, then fold the cardboard and use that circle as a template for the other end. Paint this piece of cardboard black. Base coat the tube white, slide the black cardboard over the tube for the handle. Glue a small foam ball into each end of the sword. Paint the “blade” silver and the “handle” black. Glue gems to the handle.
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