
Hands on Crafts For Kids is the resource for kids craft projects and instructions for kids 6-12 and parents, teachers and other group leaders. It includes school and curriculum based projects,  multi cultural projects, and every day, holiday and seasonal ideas.

It is  the online home of the public television program Hands On Crafts for Kids.

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Candy Bead Portraits with Franz Spohn


Hosts: Franz Spohn
Nationally recognized artist Franz Spohn shares imaginative art tips & techniques!


Age Range: 7 to 12

Grade Range: 2 to 6

Skill Level: Advanced

Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days

Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Mathematics - measuring
Visual Arts

Time needed for project:
1½ hours

Candy Bead Portraits
Materials needed:
Faber-Castell ®Connector Pens
Faber-Castell® Tempera Paint
Canson® Marker Paper
Candy Pearls
Elmer’s® Foam Board
Elmer’s® School Glue
Plastic Tubes


  1. Print grid. 
  2. Create your drawing on the grid using the Connector Pens, or you can create your drawing on paper and later print the grid on vellum and lay it over the drawing.  The grid is important because it will guide you later as to where to put your candies to create your picture. Your artwork should be large and not have a lot of detail. Each square will be a pixel. 
  3. To create your artwork cut the foam board to the same size as your art. You can glue plastic tubes to the foam board or just adhere the candies right on the foam board.  Using your grid as a guide, place each candy pixel in order to recreate your picture.
  4. Experiment with other round objects like bottle caps colored with tempera paint to create larger pieces of pixel art!


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