Age Range: 7 to 12
Grade Range: 2 to 6
Skill Level: Advanced
Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days
Supports Subject Areas of:
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Mathematics - measuring
Visual Arts
Time needed for project:
1 hour
Technique: Using Watercolor Connector Paints and GRIP Colored Pencils Franz demonstrates how to draw flowers from various perspectives.
Faber-Castell® GRIP Watercolor Pencils
Faber-Castell® Watercolor Connector Paints
Canson® Watercolor Paper
When you look at a flower, it’s often symmetrical which means that something is the same on both sides. When we look at them straight on and then start to turn it you can see that it seems to take on a different shape depending on the angle which you are viewing the flower.
Take a circle made from cardboard and place it on the center of a cardboard square this is just slightly larger. Draw an X from corner to corner – this finds the center of your circle. You can then draw the petals creating a very symmetrical flower. This will act as your guide.
When you look at this at different angles the square and circle seem to take on different shapes, you can use this to create your drawing. Draw your flowers using Watercolor Pencils. Once you have established your square and round shapes, fill in with the petals. Remember, your flower is symmetrical.
Now you can add simple stems and leaves. Now, fill in with color by going over your lines with a wet brush. You can add even more color using the Watercolor Connector Paints.