Age Range: 7 to 12
Grade Range: 2 to 6
Skill Level: Moderate
Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days
Supports Subject Areas of:
Social Studies
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Visual Arts
Time needed for project:
1 hour plus drying time

Paper Feathers
It’s fun to explore the great outdoors and then get inspired to craft! To start, take a walk and look for birds in your neighborhood. What birds live in your area? Can you spot their feathers? Maybe even stop in at the library and take a look at pictures of birds in books. Or maybe check out your favorite species online! Once you’ve thought identified some bird feathers, it’s time to get crafting!
Elmer’s® Glue Stick
Paper (recycled paper packaging works best. Newspapers or old book pages are also pretty cool)
Spaghetti noodles (uncooked)
Masking tape
Watercolor paints and brush
Photos of bird feathers for inspiration
- Using the pencil, draw a long oval shape on the paper to mimic a bird’s feather. Some are teardrop-shaped, while others are very long and thin. Try to make your feather shape like the bird you are using for inspiration.
- Cut out the feather shape with the scissors.
- Using the first one as a template, cut a second feather shape.
- On a protected surface, lay a feather shape flat and spread with a thin layer of white glue.
- Place half of a piece of spaghetti in the middle the feather where the spine of the feather would be. It should be ½ inch from the edge of one long side, but hanging out 2 inches from the other.
- Place the second feather shape on top of the spaghetti and glue. Use your fingers to press the paper down gently and make the two layers of paper stick together, capturing the spaghetti noodle inside. Let dry.
- Rip a piece of masking tape and carefully place it around the spaghetti noodle that is hanging out, creating a “quill.” Trim extra tape with scissors if necessary.
- Using photos from a book, the internet or your own imagination paint the feathers to mimic a bird.
- Lastly, using scissors, trim the feathers with little snips (careful to snip close to the spaghetti spine but not through it) to create a feathery fringe.
For more information visit