From creepy crawlers to beautiful
butterflies, we share our world with millions of insects. Insects
can be amazing pests spreading disease and biting us, but they
can also be very helpful. They pollinate plants, give us honey
and are food for fish, birds and animals. All insects have a few
things in common. They all have an exoskeleton which protects
their internal organs. The skeleton has three parts; head, thorax
and abdomen. Insects also have three pairs of legs, a set of antennae
and many have wings. Watch for all of these "parts"
and probably a few imaginary ones as you create a swarm of "buggy"
Upright Insects:
Bet you haven't seen a bug like this one in your backyard! If
bugs walked on their back legs, this is what we think they'd
look like. Have fun with a new technique using Styrofoam, tissue
paper and even a little glitter.
101-2 Bug Bottle and Insect Cutouts: Create a natural
habitat for collecting bugs complete with twigs, leaves and
moss. When you're finished see how to assemble a realistic cut-out
of your first insect specimen.
101-3 Dragonflies: Paint a chipwood box with a dragonfly
design. Perfect for outdoor treasures or maybe a few of your
bug specimens.
101-4 Butterflies and Spiders: Meet two very different
inhabitants of the insect world; a beautiful butterfly and a
very creepy spider. Yes, we do know that spiders are not true
insects, but we couldn't resist adding an eight legged bug so
you could use "crimping". Foam, tissue, and paper
are the main ingredients for both but you'll see how different
they end up looking.
Insects on the Move:
Meet the true "crawlers" of the insect world, as you
learn how to make your bug models actually move. Wood spools
and Styrofoam are all you need to animate your insect creations.
101-6 The Hands-On Project: Kids helping other kids through
crafts is the theme of this segment. Learn about the "Hands-On
Project" an integral part of the Hands-On program. This
project brings craft and school supplies to kids in homeless
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© Copyright 2004 Katherine Stull, Inc. |