Remember where you came from,
your parents, grandparents, country and nationality. Here are crafts
that will help you chronicle your personal history.
Open. When
keeping track of your history , the first place to start is with
photos. See how to display your pictures in a creative way, especially
those extra wallet size prints of school pictures.
308-1 Family Tree: Paint a form for recording family history.
This is a great way to open conversation with your parents and grandparents.
308-2 Memory Game: In this updated version of the matching
game, use reprints of old photos to learn about your family.
308-3 Paper Dolls: This is one craft thatıs never lost itıs
popularity. Create a doll that looks just like you and reflects
your heritage.
308-4 Marbelized Journal: Become your family historian keeping
track of all of the events that are important to you in a great
journal. Youıll be using a new technique with chalk to marbelize.
308-5 Editors feature: Carol Sheffler of the Today show uses
rubber stamping to keep all members of the family in touch.
308-6 Hand On Project: update.
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