Taiwan is part of the Republic of China
between the Philippines and Japan. Their culture is influenced by China
but also has elements of Japan and the west. Many traditional values
are based on Confucianism. This is a system of thought developed from
the teachings of Confucius. It covers conduct, practical thought and
social rules. These ideas include many related to family.
906-1 FengShuii Wind Chimes
– 12 Lunar New Years Wood cut prints are used for each of the
Lunar New Years. These are usually black outlines printed on red or
orange paper. We create a wind chime design featuring Lunar patterns.
906-2 The Year of the Rooster:
2005 is the year of the rooster in the Chinese Zodiac. In the Chinese
zodiac, each successive year is named for one of 12 animals. These 12-year
cycles are continuously repeated and combined with a sequence of the
five elements (water, wood, fire, metal, earth) in a 60-year major cycle.
This rooster duplicates the weaving style which includes geometrics.
906-3 Wood weaving:
Printed wood cuts are a popular art form in Taiwan. Usually they are
black stamped on to red or orange paper and are often a part of lunar
New Year celebrations. Another popular stamp is one using your name
for a seal – these are embellished to be an art form.
906-4 Plum Blossom branch and
sachet: The National flower is the plum blossom. The 3
stamens stand for the 3 principles of the people and 5 petals for the
branches of government. It has great symbolic value because of its resilience
in harsh weather.