1. Use scissors to score around
the center of the dowel. Move to edge of table and press to
break in half.
2. Using the flat brush, paint the desired number of dowels
with the green acrylic paint. Set aside to dry.
3. Trace patterns onto file folder or poster board, these
will be easier to trace around. Referring to photo for color,
use a pencil to trace and cut desired number and design of
shapes for flowers and leaves onto foam sheets. Cut out.
4. Layer pieces into desired flower shapes then glue together.
Layer and glue leaves creating two for each flower.
5. Detail each flower and leaf with 3D paint markers. Let
6. Punch two holes at base of leaf about ½” apart.
Thread leaf on dowel and position where desired. Apply glue
about 3” on end of dowel and press flower into place.
Hold in place with tape if needed till dry. Insert in flower
pot and enjoy.

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