Tessellation Picture
By Sandy Laipply
you see the “helping hand” symbol on a project, it means
you may need adult supervision to do the project. Always use care
when using tools or a heat source. Be careful and safe!
A tessellation
is a repeating pattern that would continue forever, without overlapping
or leaving any gaps.
Main supplies:
- Elmer’s®
Foam Board
- Elmer’s®
Washable School Glue Stick
- Elmer’s®
Galactic Glue™ or Shimmer and Shine™
- Yellow,
light green and dark green cardstock
- 12”
length of ribbon
Basic Supplies:
- Fiskars®
scissors or paper trimmer
- Ruler
- Pencil
- 11”x
17” or larger sheet of paper
- Sponge brush
- Use the pattern
to measure and mark triangles from yellow, light green and
dark green cardstock. (Or copy patterned sheet onto cardstock).
Cut the triangles out. They are 2” equilateral triangles.
- On a large
sheet of paper, arrange triangles in a repeating pattern.
Use our pattern or make your own. If using our pattern,
it is helpful to start at the bottom of the page, and draw
a horizontal line every 2 “apart to help keep your
shapes straight. When pleased with the design, glue the
triangles in place. Let glue dry.
- Measure and
mark a 9” x 12” rectangle on your pattern and
cut this out.
- Using the sponge
brush, cover entire patterned sheet with a layer of Galactic
Glue or Shimmer and Shine.
- Have an adult
cut a 9” x 12” piece of foam board. Glue a piece
of ribbon to one edge of the foam board as a hanger. Glue
the patterned sheet on the foam board.

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© Copyright 2004 Katherine Stull, Inc.