1. Cover your work surface with wax paper. Use masking tape to hold in place.
2. Remove all old tinfoil off of the back of the gum wrapper pockets.
3. Carefully dismantle the top cardboard portion of the gum wrapper and use the opened/flat wrapper to trace a pattern onto a piece of white cardstock. Cut out the new wrapper.
4. Use a pencil to lightly draw stars and ‘Your Fortune’ on the new wrapper. Paint the design with the 3D pens.. Allow the 3D pens to dry completely before proceeding.
5. Once the 3D design is dry, use the paint brush pens to paint the background of the design. Try using two different colors at the same time and allowing the colors to mix and blend!
6. Set the wrapper aside to dry and create fortunes for inside of the fortune teller. Cut strips of paper 1/2" x 41/4" and write fun fortunes. You will need to make as many fortunes as you have pockets.
Some ideas are:
- You will be famous when you grow up!
- A secret wish will soon be granted.
- You have a special talent that will soon be discovered.
- A special person is hiding how much they like you!
7. Carefully fold each fortune and tuck them into the pockets. Try to poke them in tightly so that they aren't popping out as you proceed.
8. Carefully apply Rubber Cement around the edges of each pocket area. Be careful not to get any glue on the fortunes.
9. Place tinfoil over the tacky pockets and use your fingers to smooth it into place. Use scissors to trim away any excess tinfoil.
10. When the wrapper background is dry, wrap it around the finished fortune pockets and glue into place. Staple the ribbon piece to the wrapper.