Design a paper quilt that looks like a cathedral window. You can use it for a card or wall decoration.
Age Range: 7 to 12
Grade Range: 1 to 6
Skill Level: Moderate
Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days
Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Social Studies
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Visual Arts
Math –e.g. measuring
Time Needed for Project:
1 hour plus drying time

Inspiration for the cathedral window quilt pattern comes from the stained glass windows portraying Early Christian traditions. The word cathedral takes its name from the word ‘cathedra’ meaning ‘bishop’s throne’. The earliest cathedrals date back to the Roman Empire.
- 2 sheets watercolor paper, 80 lb. cold pressed
- Elmer’s ® All Purpose Glue Stick
- Watercolors and brush
- Coarse salt

- Pencil
- Stylus
- Ruler
- Compass or circle template
- Scissors
- Water
Always cover your work surface with wax paper or plastic.
- Use pattern below or draw nine 2 5/8” circles using a compass or circle template. Cut out the 1 7/8” square pattern. Place inside circle, aligning corners. Trace around the square pattern.
- Align a ruler or straight edge tool over one straight line of square. Run the stylus along the edge of the ruler scoring a fold line.
- Paint watercolor inside the paper square. Sprinkle salt on the wet paint. Paint each square in selected color. Add salt on wet paint, one square at a time. Allow paint to dry completely. The salt crystals will absorb the surrounding paint moisture creating small star patterns on the watercolor surface.
- When the painted surface is dry, brush away salt. Cut out circles. Apply glue stick on the white circle edges, next to the painted surface. Fold the circle edges along the scored fold line and over the painted surface. Fold nine circles into squares.
- Cut out scalloped quilt base or square quilt base from watercolor paper using pattern below. Glue three rows of the folded squares on the quilt base. Align and glue each folded edge of the square next to the last square. Cut out quilt base edge.

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