Make your own corn for holiday decorations. With the help of your family and friends, you’ll be able to decorate every room in the house!
Age Range: 7 to 12
Grade Range: 1 to 6
Skill Level: Moderate
Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days
Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Social Studies
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Math – e.g. measuring
Visual Arts
Time Needed for Project:
1 hour plus drying time
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- Yellow crêpe paper
- Raffia
- 3” STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam egg
- Elmer’s® Glue-All™
- 112 opaque pony beads – yellow, red, orange, brown, black and white

1. Push a pencil vertically all the way through the center of a Styrofoam egg. Reduce the width of the egg by rolling it on a table top. Remove the pencil.
2. Cut nine, 20” long strands of raffia and thread them all through the center hole in the egg.
3. Thread 12 assorted color pony beads on one raffia strand. Tug on the beaded strand to find the other end. Tie the two ends together at the top of the egg. Secure the strand to the sides of the egg with two straight pins. Push the pins trough the raffia into the Styrofoam. Thread 13 beads on the next strand. Tie the ends together at the top of the egg and secure it next to the first strand with straight pins. Keep threading strands of 12 and 13 beads alternately. Tie them together at the top keeping the rows next to each other with straight pins. The bead strands should cover the front half of the egg.
4. cut seven corn husks from yellow crepe paper. Pinch the bottom ends of the husks together. Glue the pinched ends of the husks into the bottom hold of the Styrofoam egg.
5. Spread glue over the back of the Styrofoam egg and pull up a husk to cover it. Bring up one husk at a time and glue it in place on the back of the egg. Tie all the husks together with raffia at the top of the egg.
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