There are two kinds of boomerangs, the non-returning which were used for hunting and the returning boomerangs used mostly for sport. They are often decorated with designs important to the Aboriginal legends and traditions.
you see the “helping hand” symbol on a project, it means
you may need adult supervision to do the project. Always cover your work surface with a mat or some type of protective covering like wax paper or plastic. Always use care when using tools or a heat source. Be careful and safe! |
Always cover your work surface with a mat or some type of protective covering like wax paper or plastic.
Age Range: 7 to 12
Grade Range: 1 to 6
Skill Level: Moderate
Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days
Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Social Studies
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Visual Arts
Time Needed for Project:
1 hour plus drying time
This project features notes or instructions in Adobe Reader format. If you
do not have Adobe Reader, download it for free here. |

- Elmer’s® Foam Board
- X-ACTO® knife
- Elmer’s® Painters® Opaque Paint Markers
- Elmer’s® 3D™ Washable Paint Pens – glitter and neon colors

1. Sketch the boomerang shape onto foam board or cardboard then cut out.
2. Using a combination of different geometric designs and colors, create you own traditional style boomerang pattern. Aboriginal art also reflected elements of nature. You will find designs of leaves, twigs birds’ footprints, and paw prints. You may want to include some of these in your boomerang patterns. Color the designs with the paint markers and 3D paint pens.
3. Display your boomerang by hanging it from the ceiling or tall bookshelf. You can make an entire collection, each with a different design featuring lots of colors, or use only a few colors and the art of repetitive patterns to create interest.
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