Matryoshka dolls or nested dolls are the most famous traditional souvenir of Russia. Most are dolls but owls are another popular design.
Age Range: 7 to 12
Grade Range: 1 to 6
Skill Level: Moderate
Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days
Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Social Studies
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Visual Arts
Time Needed for Project:
2 hours plus drying time
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- Elmer’s® Washable Clear School Glue
- STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam- Eggs – 4”, 3”, 2”
- STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam - 2” thick piece
- Tissue paper – metallic gold, teal, olive, and rust – or desired colors
- Ribbon – ½” wide gold – 12”
- Trim – gold – 12”
- Elmer’s® Painters® Opaque Paint Markers – black

- Low tack masking tape or paper clip
- Bamboo skewers - two per egg
- Pencil
- Foil Brush – ½” wide
- Sponge brush
- Disposable cup or bowl
- Paper towel tube
- Scissors
- Tear gold metallic tissue into about 1” – 2” pieces.
- Insert two skewers into bottom of egg shape foam so they will stay in place.
- Squeeze a puddle of clear glue onto foil. Working in sections at a time, brush glue onto egg. Tap brush on a piece of tissue, place on glue then brush another coat over top. Add another section of tissue slightly overlapping first then cover again. Repeat step until entire egg is covered with two layers of tissue. Push skewers into foam square to hold till egg is dry. Repeat step with all eggs. Let dry.
- Use pencil to trace patterns onto tissue colors as shown then cut out. Use brush to glue into place on eggs referring to photo for placement. Let dry.
- Use paint marker to detail each egg. Carefully remove skewers – if dried in place, use scissors to cut off close to egg.
- To create holders, cut off 1” pieces from tube. Glue ribbon along one edge then hold in place tape or paper clip until dry. Glue trim in place along other edge then let dry.
Travel around the world and experience the culture, arts and traditions that make the world unique. Visit Peru, Italy, Canada, USA, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, India, Mexico, Ghana, Egypt, and Scotland.
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