you see the “helping hand” symbol on a project, it means
you may need adult supervision to do the project. Always cover your work surface with a mat or some type of protective covering like wax paper or plastic. Always use care when using tools or a heat source. Be careful and safe! |
Always cover your work surface with a mat or some type of protective covering like
wax paper or plastic.
Age Range: 7 to 12
Grade Range: 1 to 6
Skill Level: Advanced
Appropriate for These Special Events:
Every Day and Rainy Days
Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Social Studies
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Visual Arts
Time Needed for Project:
2 hours plus drying time
This project features notes or instructions in Adobe Reader format. If you
do not have Adobe Reader, download it for free here. |
- Elmer’s® Bi-Fold Foam Board™
- Elmer’s® Washable School Glue
- Activa® Scenic Sand™ – White
- Acrylic paint – ivory, medium and dark brown
- Twine
- Pins
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Foam cup
- Plastic serrated knife
- Paper towels
- Brush – 1” flat
- Foil
- Cotton swabs
- Use scissors to roughly cut along all edges of foam board as shown.
- Use pencil to lightly draw on desired letter in hieroglyphics. Refer to photo. Add a thin layer of glue along pencil line then cut and bend twine to fit sections of letter holding twine in place with pins poked into backing, if needed, till dry. Add twine to all letters and let dry.
- Squeeze a small puddle of ivory onto foil. Use flat brush to paint entire board, front and back. Add a puddle of light brown onto foil. Dip brush into ivory then tip into brown. Using an “x’ motion, paint over board creating a mottled look. Let dry.
- Pour about ½ cup of sand into foam cup. Pour in glue then mix with plastic knife adding more glue as needed till it is a spreadable consistency. Use knife to “frost” sections of board as shown applying a very thin layer. Let dry.
- Squeeze a puddle of dark brown paint on foil. Dip cotton swab into paint then apply to twine letter adding more paint as needed to cover entire letter. Use a new cotton swab for each letter. Let dry.
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© Copyright 2010 Katherine Stull, Inc. |