How to felt a sweater:
Set the washer to small load, hot, with a small amount of detergent. Wash the sweater one or two times to felt it.
Make the Wristies:
1. Lay your hand on top of the cuff of the felted sweater---determine where you want the end to come over your fingers and how much behind your wrist. Cut to desired length.
2. Cut a very small hole for where you want your thumb to poke out on the side of the cuff---it’s important to start small because it will stretch a bit when you put your thumb through it.
3. Cut out shapes from the remaining sweater and glue around the wristie.
4. Use small sharp scissors to cut tiny holes around the wrist (safety pins make great hole markers). Weave the lacing in and out of each hole and tie the two ends in a bow.
5. Finish by adding some glitter dots and stripes around or on your felt shapes.
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