Quick Idea: Yarn Shirt: Mayans
were known for their weaving skills. This traditional shirt incorporates
texture and color for a traditional Mayan design.
604-1 Headdress: Mayans
wore colorful headdresses for ceremonies. They prized the long blue
green tail feathers of the bird, quetzel whoc and used them to embellish
their headdresses.
604-2 Mayan Pot: Mayans developed many traditional designs for
pots and containers made from clay in the Yucatan peninsula. Natural
colors such as sand characterized these pots as well as textured designs.
604-3 Stela: A Mayan Stela is a monument carved in stone commemorating
significant historic people and events. They are similar to a Native
American Totem pole.
604-4 Stepped Frame: The Mayans built stepped pyramids with stairways
leading to temples at the top. Usually they were built of limestone
and were often painted red.
604-5 Astronomy Wall Hanging: The Maya developed a calendar system
based on the movement of the moon and stars. They are known for their
astronomy skills.