for best results, please take a moment to review
the instructions on all product packaging before beginning
your project.
1. Using the 1” foam brush apply 2 smooth
even coats of a mixture of colonial blue and Caribbean blue
paint (1:1 ratio) to the front, back and sides of the journal.
Let dry.
2. Following the directions on the packaging mist the back
of the harlequin stencil with adhesive spray. Position the
stencil on the front cover of journal. Using a stencil sponge
dipped in Caribbean blue paint (tap off excess paint) apply
paint to the entire stencil. Use a pouncing motion to apply
the paint. Carefully remove the stencil and reposition to
finish the design on the entire cover. Let dry.
3. Use the whimsical dot alphabet stencil to add a name at
the bottom of the cover. (Hint: Use the re-positional note
pad paper to mask off a straight line, and then starting with
the last letter of the name, work to the left so you don’t
run out of space.)
4. Tape off the edges of the cardstock using the ¼”
wide tape. Using the foam brush apply two smooth even coats
of the paint mix used in Step 1 to the cardstock. Remove the
tape. Let dry.
5. Using the paper edgers cut the edges of the cardstock.
Glue card stock to front cover of the journal. Let dry.
1. Embellish the cover of your journal with
rhinestones, silk flowers or other embellishments of your
choice. Refer to the photo for a design idea. |