By Patty Cox

Main supplies:
- 2 brown
paper grocery bags
- Pacon®
crepe paper:
blue, turquoise, lime green, white, orange
- Pacon®
construction paper, white and black
- glue stick
- Fiskars®
- stapler
1. Draw a 5” x 8” neck opening
on paper bag center bottom with pencil. Draw lines 7 1/2”
from paper bag bottom on each side of bag for arm openings.
Measure and mark lines 7” and 9” down center front
of costume. Round lines from shoulder area. Draw a straight
line down center back. Cut arm openings at underarm and sides
only, as seen in diagram.
2. Costume Body: Pull paper bag sides open and flatten side
folds. Starting at the costume bottom (top opening of paper
bag), apply a line of glue stick from center back line to
side fold. Stick a 2” wide strip of blue crepe paper
on glued edge. Turn bag over to front side of costume. Apply
glue stick along bottom edge. Stick crepe paper on glued edge.
Turn bag over and finish gluing strip at costume center back.
Apply glue stick above previous row. Stick another 2”
crepe paper strip above previous row, overlapping strips about
1/2”. Apply five rows of blue crepe paper strips around
costume bottom. Fill body area up to rounded chest lines with
turquoise strips. Repeat on each sleeve opening (wing).
3. Ruffled Feathers: Apply glue stick along 9” rounded
line at chest. Stick lime green crepe paper strip on glued
starting point. Push crepe paper strip over glue toward starting
point, gathering it as you are gluing the ruffled strip around
the curved line. Overlap three rows of lime green crepe paper
strips. Then apply about seven rows of ruffled white crepe
paper strips. Finish the ruffled center front by folding and
gathering a 2” x 9” white crepe paper strip in
half lengthwise. Glue on costume top center. Cut out neck
opening. Cut open costume center back to neck opening.
4. Tail Feathers: Cut eight 2” x 20” lengths lime
green crepe paper. Loop strips in half. Glue strips inside
costume back.
5. Head: On the remaining paper bag, mark a line around bag
10” from open end. Cut this section for head. Place
open bag top around head. Bring sides together at head front
and staple. Staple head top opening smaller than head opening.
Crease a diagonal fold line from head opening staple to head
top staple. Draw a line on both head sides along crease. Cut
rounded beak top. Staple beak layers together. Starting at
head bottom, glue turquoise crepe paper strips around head
and stopping at beak. Glue blue crepe paper strips around
head top. Glue orange crepe paper strips diagonally, along
penciled crease line covering beak. Repeat on other side of
beak. Trim edges evenly. Cut eyes from white construction
paper and pupils from black construction paper. Glue in position
on head sides.
6. Green Plumes: Cut seven 6” x 2” lengths green
crepe paper. Fold each in half lengthwise. Bring short ends
together. Overlap and staple. Glue stapled ends in opening
of head top.

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