By Prudy Vannier

Puerto Rico
Paper maché
masks are used in the festivals of Puerto Rico. Brightly colored and
easy to paint, the masks are a wonderful symbol of celebration.
Painting lesson: Different
effects with a single flat brush

Main supplies:
- Paper maché
- DecoArt®
Americana® Acrylic Paint: Titanium White DA001, Sapphire DA099,
True Red DA129, Bright Yellow DA227, Ebony Black DA067
- DecoArt®
Satin or Gloss Varnish
- Royal®
Brushes: 1” flat, #8 flat
Painting supplies:
- Royal® water basin
- paper towel
- Royal® palette paper
1. Attach horns or knobs if you like, with
hot glue. Basecoat the mask with Sapphire. This takes much
paint and a long time to dry.
2. Use the #8 flat brush for all of the decoration. Start
by painting red around the eyes, a black nose and a black
mouth. Make the mouth big enough to put in plenty of teeth.
Use the brush flatly for these broad strokes.
3. Use the brush on the chisel edge (sideways) for narrow
stripes. These are the black and white slash marks around
and on the red eyes.
4. Make short strokes for square-ish dots on the horns using
all of the colors.
5. Use the chisel edge to make sharp teeth with white..
6. Use the flat edge to paint stripes in all the colors all
over the mask.
7. When dry, varnish to make it shiny.
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