1. Tail: Roll emerald clay into a 15”
long snake. Fold snake in half. Lift the right side, form
a loop, bring tail to left. Lift left side, form a loop, bring
tail to right. Make three loops on each side. Fold each tail
inward. Flatten each fold to form fins. Use sculpting tool
to mark impressions of fin. Lightly press all looped clay
2. Torso and head: From tan clay, form a 3/8” ball for
head, 3/4” teardrop for torso, and a 4” x 3/16”
snake for arms. Press pieces together. Insert a toothpick
through top of head, through torso, and into top of mermaid
tail Cut excess toothpick top. Form two 1/8” balls from
emerald clay. Press onto mermaid bodice. Using a toothpick,
poke two small eyes and a curved mouth on mermaid face.
3. Hair: takle small pieces of yellow clay and roll into 2-3
inch snakes. Place on head top. Poke hair ‘roots’
into head top. Arrange hair around face and head and curl
into loops. Lightly press together.
4. Bring hands to body front. Place shell in hands. Lightly
press clay together.
5. Place mermaid on cookie sheet. Bake in 275o oven 15 minutes
per 1/4” of thickness.