
by Jeanne Jacobowski
of Michael’s Arts & Craft Store
Abraham Lincoln
was the 16th President of the United States. He was born in 1809.
In fact, his nickname was the Illinois Rail Splitter. He was also
more widely known as Honest Abe - a perfect choice for our bank. |
You will need:
- An empty potato chip can
- Craft paper - white
- Textured paper - black
- Decorative edge scissors
- Acrylic paint - flesh
- Permanent markers - light pink
dark pink, black
- Glue
- Scissors
- Paint brush
- Ruler
1. Trace and cut out
all patterns from either white craft paper or black textured
paper as noted on pattern pieces. Cut the hair and eyebrow
pieces with the decorative edge scissors.
2. Paint all the face pieces flesh. Let dry. Do not paint
the eyes. Or use flesh colored paper.
3. Measure and cut a 9” x 10½” piece of
black textured paper and glue around outside of can.
4. Cut a 5” diameter circle from black paper for hat
rim. Draw and cut out a 3” diameter circle from the
center of the 5” circle. Snip the inside edges of the
inner circle.
5. Remove the plastic lid from the can and slide the hat rim
about 2” down from the top edge.
6. Cut a ½” x 10¼” strip of black
paper for the hat band. Wrap the hat band around the can,
just above the hat rim and glue in place.
7. Cut a slit in the plastic lid for pennies.
8. Color upper lip of the mouth with a dark pink marker and
the lower lip with a light pink marker.
9. Make pupils in the eyes with a black marker.
10. Tie a knot in the bow tie and glue below beard, at top
of the shirt.

Kids® Series Patch Paper, Craft Paper; Beacon™ Kids Choice
Glue™; Fiskars® Paper Edgers, Scissors; Delta Ceramcoat®
Acrylic Paint |
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