Hands On Crafts for Kids
Book Order
Helping Kids Philosophy Teachers
Skills for Life
Series 1100 – Program Notes

Learn skills for a whole lifetime of crafting on this season of Hands On.  At school, home or even in sports, each week we’ve got craft basics and great projects, each with 5 steps and 5 main ingredients. And every project teaches a new skill that you can use over and over again.  And Remember – be creative!          

Show 1101 Going Green
Our first skill for life is knowing the importance of protecting and preserving  the environment by going green!  We’re learning about recycling and reusing things we already have. Our first project is a set of lanterns made from recycled plastic cups - perfect for outdoors or at a party.  Next Prudy Vannier introduces us to using our crafting for charity with a project making birdhouses for our feathered friends.  Then it’s cards that can be planted with handmade paper.  Last up store your treasures in a stained glass design box made from recycled cardboard. 


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