Artists look at the world from fresh perspectives. Host Jenny Barnett-Rohrs draws the geometric patterns she sees looking at the world from high above. Franz Spohn has ideas for all the things artists can do besides creating works for a museum. Candie Cooper introduces us to the art form of Yamamoto to create a collage and Candie makes a 3-D color wheel. |
Aerial Seaside Patterns
Watch the video for this project online at: https://youtu.be/oczTOMdGaco |
What Artists Can Do |
Yamamoto Collage |
3D Color Wheel – Shish-Kebab Values |
Give a new twist to traditional art forms. Jenny Barnett-Rohrs makes a trinket box inspired by a popular video game. Then, she makes a friendly turtle using the ancient art of mosaic. Candie Cooper creates pop art with polka dots in the style of the artist Kusama, and Jenny coils a rag basket with a touch of denim. |
Trinket Box
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/exafOaOwHJ4 |
Mosaic Sea Turtle |
Kusama Pop Art |
Coiled Rag Basket |
Look beyond the sky. Jenny Barnett-Rohrs makes a glittery star catcher featuring the constellations. Candie Cooper creates a 3-D board illustrating moon phases. Artist Franz Spohn creates watercolor paintings featuring clouds. Jenny makes a suncatcher mandala and Candie Cooper captures a sparkly space galaxy in a bottle. |
Star Catcher |
3D Board with Moon Phases |
Watercolor Clouds |
Suncatcher Mandala
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/w6ceYhJsnak |
Galaxy in a Bottle |
The earth is full of wonderful creatures. Jenny Barnett-Rohrs crafts simple animals that are easily adaptable and molds a robot mouse. Artist Franz Spohn draws creatures that are just like us – or not. Jenny uses glow-in-the-dark clay to craft a spooky-sweet charm for your backpack. |
Fun Foam Animals |
Robot Mouse |
Drawing Creatures
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/tRMXJszQv80 |
Monster Back Pack Charm |
Flowers make us happy. By mixing bright colors, Jenny Barnett-Rohrs makes a fun floral banner. Candie Cooper makes flowerpots that help you count and add. Artist Franz Spohn draws flowers from different perspectives. Jenny creates a nightlight inspired by coral that grows in the sea. |
Floral Banner – Color Mixed Flowers |
Flowerpot Counters |
Drawing Flowers |
Beach Inspired Nightlight
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/ttAT0aP2QRI |
People keep life exciting. Jenny Barnett-Rohrs and a special friend show how to tag your best friends with matching lanyard tags. Candie Cooper celebrates diversity with whimsical cone kids. She also crafts one-of-a-kind wooden kokeshi dolls. Jenny uses age-old symbols to monoprint a family crest to frame or use for banners. |
Best Friends Lanyard Tags |
Cone Kids |
Kokeshi Dolls |
Family Crest Monoprint
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/9Ssdcy35Dyg |
Animals come in endless varieties. Inspired by ocean creatures, Jenny Barnett-Rohrs creates a sea-life totem. Candy Cooper crafts a piggy bank that holds bills and coins. Artist Franz Spohn engineers animals from all directions. Jenny crafts loony llamas from pool noodles. |
Sealife Totem |
Piggy Bank Idea – Show Me the Money |
Adding Motion to a Drawing |
Fuzzy Pool Noodle Llamas
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/RL4DXLrvPgA |
Freshen up your style statement. Jenny Barnett-Rohrs fashions a colorful ID bracelet from clay and makes a foxy felt animal pouch. Jenny weaves a trendy beaded bracelet of silver and gold. Then, using fabric and ribbon, Jenny creates a decorator-style memo board to stay organized. |
ID Bracelet |
Fox Felt Pouch |
Wrap Bracelet |
Memo Board
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/eRoUVoc7x_g |
Unleash your imagination. Using rolling pins, Jenny Barnett-Rohrs creates all kinds of textures. Candie Cooper creates little superheroes to showcase her creative writing. France Spohn draws a picture from a poem and Jenny makes an ever-lasting lunch from felt. |
Rolling Pin Textures
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/Xf9L5LdE0NA |
Super Hero Writers |
From Poem to Picture |
Felt Food - Hamburger |
Travel to the future for new adventures. Jenny Barnett-Rohrs makes a metallic robot tray to hold coins and treasures. Then, she creates a mysterious sea creature. Franz Spohn launches aliens into outer space and Jenny makes futuristic sculptures from foam. |
Robot Butler Tray
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/UNOhfB9PQbI |
Sea Creature |
Aliens in Space – Drawing Lesson |
Metallic Foam Sculpture |
Each plant and creature has a habitat. To capture the freshness of the ocean, Jenny Barnett-Rohrs makes jars inspired by sea glass. For her art project, Candie Cooper looks to the rainforest for ideas. Then, she sponge-paints an animal foot-print rug. Jenny makes a 3-D diorama of animal habitats from paper and foam. |
Seaglass Jars
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/b8KWD1EB190 |
Rainforest Art
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/b8KWD1EB190 |
Footprint Rug |
3D World Habitats |
Let’s make wings and fly. With paper, scissors and a little spaghetti, Jenny Barnett-Rohrs makes paper feathers. Then, she crafts fuzzy bug wings from felt. Artist Franz Spohn illustrates distance and perspective in his drawings of birds in flight. Jenny crafts a bird house for our feathered friends. |
Paper Feathers |
Felt Bug Wings
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/pjmYDiLqjNU |
Make Your Drawings More Spatial |
Milk Carton Birdhouse |
Head to the great outdoors with camping crafts. Jenny Barnett-Rohrs fashions a talking stick like those used by ancient tribes. Then, she paints images of nature with sand. A special friend joins Franz Spohn to make a fishing game and Jenny weaves a beaded dream catcher. Candie Cooper lights up the forest with a cool camp lantern. |
Talking Stick |
Sand Painted Bird
Watch the video for this project online at:
https://youtu.be/sic02Ytl3y4 |
Fishing Game |
Dream Catcher |
Camp Lantern |